Imagine how this is experienced by the baby, I cry because I'm in pain, someone is holding around me, I wanted care and got it, mine feelings are important, I am important.
If you always holds the baby when it cries, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the baby, I cry because I'm in pain, no one is holding around me, I wanted care but did not get it, mine feelings are not important, I am not important.
If you never holds the baby when it cries, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
The child does not get a bad conscience, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
When adults scream, the child experiences it as being yelled at, the child gets a bad conscience, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, someone will hear my opinion, my opinion means something, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, nobody wants hear my opinion, my opinion means nothing, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, someone takes me out because I matter, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, nobody takes me out because I don't matter, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, someone gives me a hug because I matter, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, nobody gives me a hug because I don't matter, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Mother talks to father with respect.
Son identifies himself with father.
When mother always talks to father with respect, and son identifying with father, it is as if mother is talking to son with respect, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Mother is talking negative about father.
Son identifies himself with father.
When mother talking negative about father, and son identifies himself with father, son feels that the negative criticism is about himself, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Confront this person and say he/she is wrong, be strong, don't give up.
The child identifies with you and what you do, so if you are strong in such a situation the child gets strong from it, especially important if the child has the same gender as you, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Don't confront this person.
The child identifies with you and what you do, so if you are weak in such a situation the child becomes weak from it, especially if the child has the same gender as you, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
The children must see how the parents interact with other people.
The children have never seen how parents interact with other people, therefore the children can not do what their parents would do, since they have never seen it.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, I had the right answer, my answer matter, I matter, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, nobody respect my answer, my answer don't matter, I don't matter, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, I'm not ashamed of the way I talk, you will create an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.
Imagine how this is experienced by the child, I'm ashamed of the way I talk, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
Don't criticize the child.
It is your fault that this has happened, it is you who have not explained to the child that one does not destroy material objects.
The child does not mean anything bad about this, the child is only showcasing their creative abilities, the child is not born with knowledge.
If you criticize the child, your child will have a bad conscience, you will create an individual who have low self-esteem and negative self-image.
For this situation never to arise you explains to the child in advance the importance of not destroying material objects, can you do that?
But what if the child later behaves like that, for the child such behavior will now be taboo.
By doing everything right, we end up with an individual who have high self-esteem and positive self-image.